Sunday, February 1, 2009

awesome burrow

Greetings from the burrow. Nice nest, herby and gerby!

One inside and one outside. But that's not the best bit of their burrow...

See something yet? That space below the food dish (yeah, it seems like it's floating) and the dark corner which herby is looking at (he's the one behind).

It's a burrow. For real. But I couldn't get any of them inside the tunnel to take a photo. Either that or they simply dashed through the tunnel, and my shots all had blurry brown blobs in them! So I resorted in dumping two sunflower seeds in the tunnel to lure them there.

It worked =D

Both of them went in. See the two tails? The burrow stretches along the right side of the tank and to the back, and comes out in this hole at the back. They probably spent the whole day digging it!

A view from the right side. See how their eyes are closed even when eating. I swear gerbils don't see in their burrows at all! And they think that they are underground...right herbygerby?

Gerby, I think, enjoying her sunflower seed!

This morning, though, sadly, the food bowl was found collapsed so I removed it. The night before I still put food there and it held even when fat herby sat on it! Poor herbs!

They are still terraforming their tank now, digging the entire left side out and chewing up their casio box.

Pretty, aren't they? Presenting...herby, gerby, and their awesome burrow!

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