Friday, February 6, 2009

cookie, cream, and cotton

Washing Day
Cookie, Cream and Cotton
Photoshoot 6 Feb 2009

Hey buddy buddy! Cotton flips over. The best shot of him doing that around cooks...

Hmm, what's that over there? I smell some nice food! Direction of the kitchen. Haha but actually Cora wasn't cooking anything I think...

Let me down!!! Hmph! *Sticks rump in the air*

Gotcha cookie darling! Not going anywhere now! Don't let us see you bum!

Is that our playpen, daddy? Looks kinda cool..Oh I see cookie and cotton consorting. I'm jealous daddy. Can I make friends with cotton too? -Cream

Cream and cotton lying next to each other. For once, they are not thinking about mating, nor are they thinking about squeaking loudly at each other.

Cream goes to lie down when she's place back in her side of the pen. Aww so chubby!

After the wash...back in their cages!

Aw man, I'm sooo thirsty. Glad to have some fresh water back!

Meanwhile, cream explores the cage. Is this new is this new is this new daddy?
Me: no, cream. It's just washed.

Cream: oh. Cheh! *Climbs back down*

Run baby run! The wheel clanks a little. Think I'll do the twisty thing tighter next time round.

Haha so cute! They are both wondering why the wheel cannot turn!

The story continues...
Part 2

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