Thursday, February 12, 2009

an hour in the life of a nut

Say cheese! =) Behold peanut and his stillness!

Hmph! Of course I can stay still...wanna bet?

Told you so =P Say what again peanut? Stunned look.

Ha. I'm cuter! -Butter says as he peers at me. He has been sitting still for over a minute!

Right after the food is put in...this is the scene. A short moment of shock as the cage door clanks shut. Locking them in again for another 12 hours. Then, the aroma of the food wafts up to their noses and...CLICK, something in their brain snaps and they make a mad dash for the food bowl and DIVE IN. Can you almost hear them shouting "daddy!!! we want a bigger food dish =("

Right, now peanut is screaming "daddy!!! we want a bigger food serving!"

At another angle. Peanut turns round and round.

Please, daddy?? No...peanut. Tonight! =)

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